Author: Sandeep Achar

  • HTF e.V. is now recognized as Gemeinnützig

    HTF e.V. is now recognized as Gemeinnützig

    We are blessed to have achieved this milestone Dear Bhaktas, We are elated to inform you that Hindu Tempel Franken e.V. is now officially recognized as a Not-for-Profit organization by the Finanzamt Fürth. We have been issued the status of a “gemeinnütziger” Verein by the authorities after reviewing our documents including the Satzung, the minutes…

  • Ganesh Chaturthi

    Ganesh Chaturthi

    A weeklong celebration of the birth of our beloved Lord Shri Ganesha Shri Ganesha, the elephant faced god, who is also the first child of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi was born on the fourth day of the Bhadrapada Month (according to the Indian Calendar), which generally falls in the month of August. After the…

  • Hindu Tempel Franken is now an e.V.

    Hindu Tempel Franken is now an e.V.

    We are recognized as an e.V. and registered in Fürth Hindu Tempel Franken (HTF), the parent organization of the Shiva Vishnu Temple (SVT), Fürth, is now an e.V. This stands for Eingetragener Verein, or a registered organization, according to German laws. We are registered in the court of Fürth. While anyone can form a team…