HTF e.V. is now recognized as Gemeinnützig

We are blessed to have achieved this milestone

Dear Bhaktas,

We are elated to inform you that Hindu Tempel Franken e.V. is now officially recognized as a Not-for-Profit organization by the Finanzamt Fürth. We have been issued the status of a “gemeinnütziger” Verein by the authorities after reviewing our documents including the Satzung, the minutes of the inaugural meeting as well as our formal application.

Normally, this step should have been done earlier, in order to avoid changes to the Charter / Satzung, which would add months to the process. However, by the divine grace of Shiva, Vishnu and the other deities, we were granted this status without any modifications to our Satzung.

This basically means that HTF e.V. can now issue donation receipts to our esteemed Bhaktas like you that qualify for tax exemptions, We will also qualify for lower VAT on transactions.

We thank the Gods for their blessings and you for your patronage and hope that you continue to support this endeavor of supporting and promoting Sanatana Dharma.

Om Namah Shivaya | Om Namo Narayanaya ||



